Hello Andrea!! Good to hear from you!! Ollie is ??6 or is it 7? (Time flies when you're having fun!). He is the BEST DOG EVER! I have had a lot of great dogs and I never thought one could be better, but he truly is the best. He travels everywhere with us....even walks to church every Sunday and stays there until time to go...(he is a very devout Presbyterian if you ever wondered about his affiliation!!). I can't begin to tell you how many people marvel over him and his exceptional temperament and behavior. I always credit you and the breeding. It is clearly the biggest factor. He also goes to my moms retirement home and is so loved by all the residents there. He loves a leash but we rarely ever need one because he is so obedient and just plain good! I will try to attach some photos or send them later...just learning this iPad gadget. Hope all is well with you and the dogs...I am afraid to check out the website. For fear I will want another!!! My only regret about Ollie is that I know he can't live forever. He is the smartest, and greatest animal we have ever owned.