Hi Andrea! How are you? Hope all is well out there. Sure looks busy! I saw the new puppies online. I wanted to let you know how Merry has been since we brought her home. First of all, we LOVE her! She is the perfect dog for our family! She has had a few minor issues, though. She was scooting a few days after we brought her home and has had to have her anal glands expressed twice. Stinky! It looks like the one side just doesn’t do it on its’ own for some reason. Lately, though, she’s been doing well with that. Thank goodness! However, she now has whip worm. We aren’t sure how or where she got it. The likely sources are here in the yard from a rock or stick, or perhaps from eating infected deer poop. I had no idea that those things could survive for two years in the yard. It’s been longer than that since we’ve had a dog (4yrs since the last one), which is why the vet suspects deer poop or even the chewing of a stick or rock – which Merry loves to do, naturally. We have yet to take her to a dog park and while she’s had plenty of socialization with other dogs, they’ve always been dogs we know. Anyway, other than that she’s doing well. She is super friendly, silly, and smart. She makes the Boxer in her puppy class look positively brain dead, because she’s so quick to catch on. Oh, I almost forgot! While we were visiting my parents for Easter, Merry got to be reunited with her brother! He’s quite a bit bigger than she is (she’s 30lbs now), but otherwise they look very similar. His name is Joe Doodle (poor thing) and he is hilarious! I tried to get a good picture of them together, but of course they wouldn’t cooperate. He’s doing well in his new home. That’s it for now. Have a great weekend! Charity Creech